Welcome to the new discussion group hosted by the IOCE and EvalPartners.
If you would like to join the new Peregrine community, managed by IOCE/EvalPartners, please join the group by clicking on the 'Join Now' link.
About EvalPartners
EvalPartners is an innovative global partnership striving to influence policymakers, public opinion and other key stakeholders into recognizing the need for effective evaluation as necessary to any important decision. Formed in 2012, by the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) and the United Nations, its key members are Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs), UN agencies and other development agencies, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), parliamentarians, national governments and academia. The objective of EvalPartners is to advance the international agenda for evaluation (EvalAgenda) by promoting the need for and use of evaluation among policy makers and the general public as well as to enhance evaluation capacities by encouraging a broad range of key partners and actors to join forces in creating a platform for evaluation capacity development, including strengthening national evaluation capacities.
About IOCE
The International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) represents national and regional Voluntary Organization for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Middle East. It strengthens international evaluation through the exchange of evaluation methods, theories and practice, and promotes good governance and recognition of the value evaluation has in improving people’s lives. It is committed to cultural diversity, inclusiveness and bringing different evaluation traditions together in respect of that diversity.
To allow for better control over which emails you receive, there are three sub-groups within the overarching ‘Peregrine Discussion Group’ community. New members will be added to all subgroups and then can leave or control their email preferences of these individually.
To ask questions, give advice, share resources and interesting ideas.
To share training, courses, webinars, conferences, hackathons, meet ups…
To share Terms of References, Requests for Proposals, and work opportunities with the Peregrine group.
The Peregrine Discussion Group was initially known as the ‘Pelican Initiative’ (Platform for Evidence-based Learning & Communication for Social Change). Pelican was started in 2004, by the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM). In June 2020, due to changed priorities of ECDPM’s strategy, BetterEvaluation (betterevaluation.org) took over the moderation of the group under the new name of ‘Peregrine Discussion Group for Better Evaluation’. In 2022, the initiative was transferred to the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation and the EvalPartners initiative www.evalpartners.org.